Monday, February 15, 2010

My Palm Pre Review now with the 1.4 Update!

03-01-2010 I recently updated the Pre to 1.4. It's an AWESOME update so I've added a few comments below in RED to the original article.

I'm getting quite a few people asking about my Palm Pre so instead of repeating myself continuously I've decided to write this review. It's because VERIZON is now offering the newer Palm Pre Plus. Even though I have the older first generation PRE, this note will still be valuable information for those of you that are shopping for a new cellphone. Here are my thoughts after owning the Pre for 8 months. Also, below I've listed the differences between the 1st generation and 2nd generation below.

My favorite features:

Great Multitasking.
YES, you can talk on the phone and surf the web simultaneously, and that's just an understatement. I find that I'm frequently scheduling clients while either on the phone and/or in the middle of sending an SMS. Sometimes I will have 5 applications open at the same time, I've maxed out at 12 applications. The new Palm Pre Plus has the ability to open more than 50 apps at one time.

03-01-10: The Apps open up withing 3 to 4 seconds now, unless it's a high demanding app such as a game. It's faster. it's faster. it's faster which makes a big difference on productivity. Did I mention it's faster?

Versatile Email.
I have 5 email accounts all going to my phone. (3 Exchange, Yahoo, Gmail) All syncing is done over the air through the Wi-Fi or the 3G connection, so I hardly ever plug my device into my computer. Recently an update integrated a search feature. Easy stuff.

Synergy allows my calendar to sync in real-time with Google Calendar. The calendar was a little slow at first but the recent update improved the speed dramatically. I would say it's 3x faster to navigate now.

03-01-2010: Definitely faster with the 1.4 update, inputting events in particular and scrolling with very little delays now.

Battery Life.
I honestly average approximately 30 hours on one charge. The longest life was about 40 hours the shortest was about 9 hours (that's when I've probably watched a movie from my phone)
Remember that the battery can be easily replaced and a 2nd battery is only $18 to $39. Adjusting a few settings will allow your battery to last even longer.

03-01-2010: Yes, the battery seems to last longer, the one feature that really helps is the blinking LED indicator. I use to turn on the screen from timeout mode all the time to see if there are any new messages. Now if I don't see the LED blinking, I know not to bother to check it. Saves battery life as well!

I've adapted to the "so called" cramped keyboard and type 40 wpm usually with no errors. It's not a Blackberry but it's definitely faster than a virtual keyboard. BTW, I have a virtual keyboard as well, I installed it through Home Brew and it actually sucks. The keyboard is still sturdy as it was the day purchased. I slide open the keyboard at least 20 times per day, so that equates to over 4000 slides to date. The new Pre Plus has lifted keys so it will be easier for bigger finger people.

I have Yahoo IM, Google Talk integrated with my regular SMS. The keyboard allows me to chat using Yahoo IM on my phone almost as fast as if I was chatting from a PC. TEXT FORWARDING along with the ability to edit the text you are forwarding, an awesome feature! Makes it handy to blackmail people, "Oh yes you did text me a rude comment." Just kidding, of course I wouldn't do that.;)

Navigation and Universal Search.
The WebOS has universal search, so if I want to call some one I just start typing the name and it automatically pulls the contact, then you can select your method of communication. I never really need to go to a contact application. Universal search works well with the web browser as well. When multiple APPS are open you can easily flow from APP to APP in seconds with just one press and a stroke or two on the screen. Bouncing back to any open app is easy.

Browsing Web.
It's a standard web browser that loads fairly quickly on both WiFi and 3G. The beauty of the browser is it's ability to open a separate window when needed. Makes it convenient to view YouTube videos with this feature. I've had 3 to 5 web browser windows open simultaneously with no problems, however it does slow down the processor that's expected with any phone of course. Facebook. With the pinch zoom feature, sometimes it's better to go directly to Facebook through the browser instead of using an APP that has limited features. Another advantage is you'll be able to watch YouTube videos that people post along with using full features of FB including any FB APPS.

The camera is very good in quality, at first viewing the image you've just taken took a while to load, but a recent update corrects that feature. Now it loads the recent snap shot in seconds. The flash is not great but it allows you to take close ups shots in pitch black darkness.

When I purchased the phone in June 2009 the App Catalog had only 30. Now it's finally over 1300 (feb 2010), I installed about 14 apps. Although1300 apps doesn't sound like much, I'm noticing that a good portion are useful and are quality programs. NOT MANY JUNK APPS HERE.

The new Pre Plus has 16GB, I only have 8GB storage but it seems to be okay for now as long as I don't start installing movies. (which I probably wouldn't want to do anyway) With a bunch of exercises video clips, hundreds of photos and over 300 songs I still have 4.6 GB available.

03-01-10: Getting close to 2000 apps now, plus more available in the Home Brew site

Video Rec/Edit, Flash 10, and other great features
We are getting Flash 10 and Video Recording/Editing this month through an over-the-air update. (automatically). Camera is awesome for a phone, has a flash. Open the slider and there is a mirror on the back so ladies you can see your pretty face. The standard charger only takes about an hour to fully charge from 20% to 100%.

03-01-10: YAY! we finally got our video capture and it's very nice quality. The video is HQ and the Audio is very crisp and clear. Great quality feature. Editing capabilities is very simple but satisfactory.

It's a USB Drive!
Just plug it and drag files onto your Pre, I still have 4.5GB out of the 8GB to store files. The Pre Plus should have a lot more available space with 16GB.

Palm has been great on updating the phone, I believe we will be getting our 6th update this month which adds Flash 10 and Video Recording. The phone is not nearly the same phone since I've purchased it in June 2009. I was surprised that almost all the updates were mainly to add better features instead of an update for fixes!

Sprint coverage / Data Plan.
What can I say, I'm only paying around $80 a month for an unlimited data plan. Don't know how much the Verizon plan will cost yet. I recently was with AT&T and previously with Verizon. Only experienced one area that I didn't have coverage where only Verizon was available, (AT&T didn't have coverage there either). Honestly, I haven't seen much difference with the service switch to Sprint, just the price.


1. Sensitive areas.
The upper top right hand corner "status indicator" often pops up because your finger easily accidentally may touch it. The voice call phone screen often pops up randomly, I guess it's when I put it in my pocket and I forget to lock the screen from touch mode.

2. Music Player
No more iTunes sync :( We already knew that this would happen. We can still sync to the old iTunes though. Music Player sounds great, but it's difficult to adjust during a work out. The screen keeps going into sleep mode and you can't forward to the next track unless you "unsleep" it .

03-01-10: Grooveshark, seems to be a great app that we won't be missing itunes that much anymore.

3. Cache clearing problem
Not sure if everyone else has this problem, but if I open a big app such as a game, when I'm done and close the program, it seems that the cache memory isn't clearing fast enough so for a short period I can only open 2 or 3 apps simultaneously. If eventually corrects itself after several minutes.

4. Navigation
I must say that the apps don't open fast enough for me, and if you scroll fast in a long page the graphics appear sluggishly. But remember I have the OLDER Pre and I'm sure the newer one is better with double the ram.

03-01-10: The Apps open up withing 3 to 4 seconds now, unless it's a high demanding app such as a game. It's faster. it's faster. it's faster which makes a big difference on productivity. Did I mention it's faster?


Differences between the PALM PRE (1st gen) vs. PALM PRE PLUS (2nd gen)

The new Pre Plus has all the features of the first generation but ADDS:

Additional storage memory, the new version has 16GB, old has 8GB.
Additional ram memory, the new version has 512mg ram, old has 256mg.
Equipped with Video Recording/Editing
Equipped with Flash 10
Lifted Keyboarded
Wi-Fi "Hot Spot" option (Use the Palm Pre as the main connection to the internet with up to 5 other devices including your laptop)
Better 3D gaming capabilities
Removed button
Sturdier backing and stronger slider hardware


I'll tried to be UNBIASED when writing this, but if it seems that I'm showing some favoritism it's because I'm currently developing APPs for the Palm Catalog, so go figure. Overall the Palm Pre and Pre Plus is an awesome phone with a great operating system and as a business owner it has made me a lot more productive. The Pre's features are ideal for the busy, versatile and dynamic person. Currently it's probably the best phone for me but it really depends on the user and how you use it. Perhaps some people prefer NOT to multi-task. The Motorola Droid and Google Nexus One are going to be great phones as well. I'm sure there will be a new iPhone and new Blackberry coming out soon too, but for now... I'm sticking with my PRE.

03-01-10: Was a great phone back in June 2009, Now it feels almost twice as better now with all the new updates. As of today, I believe that it's CURRENTLY BETTER than any phone out there and you'll need to own one for at least a month to believe me.

I may have missed out a few things but I believe I addressed all the key features. If you have a Palm Pre, Or Palm Pre Plus, please provide me your feedback on your likes, dislikes etc... Please NO "iphone rules" comments!